Thursday, December 1, 2016

How to Survive the Holiday Stress in the Classroom and Still be a Nice Fun Teacher Who Spreads Holiday Cheer!

It can be harder than it looks…

So, what are our go to moves to keep our cool?  Well, they involve yoga, puppies, a giveaway and lots and lots of coffee.

Most importantly, how can you get yourself some free stuff? First, check out the form below and take time to fill it out to win a $200 TPT gift card! Then read on for some stress-busting advice

The 12 Days of December

Molly’s Moves

You know that feeling, when you are standing in the front of your perfectly decorated classroom, in the middle of what you thought was an immaculately planned lesson, and you are just slowly watching it all fall to pieces around you?  We have all been there. And around the holiday season, with stress running high from final exams, and student’s bodies pumped with sugar from cookies and treats, the odds that a lesson will fail spectacularly are pretty high. So...  What can you do?

As a sneaky teacher (which is an essential life skill) I make myself stop, do some deep breathing, and add a little calming yoga moves into my classroom routine.  Now, it’s not possible to stand in the back of my room doing downward dog if I want to keep my job… But I have found a way to sneak some calming moves into my everyday classroom chaos!

My first move is a low ankle tree pose.  I take some time to stand behind my desk, or in the back of the room as my students are working independently, take a few deep breaths, and go into a low tree pose for about 1-2 minutes.  Gives me some time to breath, center myself, and then I am ready to jump right back into the melee!

Here is a helpful visual to aid you in your practice!

My other favorite sneaky classroom yoga move is a reverse namaste heart opener.

This one can be done anytime, anywhere!  You simply put your hands behind your back, and stretch those shoulder and chest muscles while taking a few deep breaths.  This move is called a heart opener, and I think it does just that!  Lets in new air to your lungs, and helps destress by opening up your heart!   The image below shows one way to place your hands behind your back for the maximum stretch, but some of us (me) can’t totally get our hands like that… A modification for this pose is simply trying to reach for your opposite  wrists or elbows.

I also like to spread holiday cheer when I can

 Here is a little freebie to spruce up a super easy gift of an EOS lip balm! 

Katy’s Kicks

The best piece of advice I have been given in my years of teaching is “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” This time of year I wish I could write this phrase all over my classroom, my house, and plaster it on my forehead. As teachers, we all have a hard time putting ourselves before our students, but during the stressful time of the holidays when we have 5,000 things to do at home, students are bouncing off the walls, and there are too many treats in the faculty room, it is even more important that we fill our own “cups.” My best suggestion is do what makes you happy. For me, I get kicks wearing glittery shoes to work (the more sparkle the better!) and convincing the school to let me have a Christmas tree in my classroom (I moderate National Honor Society, and we do an Angel Tree gift drive every year for the Salvation Army.)

But the best is planning fun lessons that involve food so I know my students won’t complain by saying “Mrs. Muth, you said this lesson was going to be funnnn… but I have to do math…” like they usually do.

My favorite one is an introduction to Statistics using bags of M&M’s. I have this activity for any day I feel like my students need a pick-me-up (or more importantly when I do).

It is free in my TpT store!

Also, let me suggest a secret stash of chocolate or whatever your go-to treat is for when days get really long and your students are extra crazy. Calories don’t count when you’re teaching, right?

And when all else fails, win yourself some free stuff!

Check out this amazing giveaway with 12 days of fabulous prizes! And, make sure to head over to our co-blogger's page The Chemistry Corner. She has another freebie for you and another way to enter the giveaway!

12 Days of December Promo Images.001.png

May the odds be in our favor these last few weeks before break!


  1. Fun post -- your blog isn't what I was expecting. You share ideas for all teachers -- not just math. I know I'm supposed to believe in growth mindset, but math and I have never gotten along; your blog, however, may open my mind. :)

  2. Laurie, thank you so much for your kind words! I hope we can help you and math start to mesh! Glad you enjoyed our post!

  3. This is such an awesome blog post! I love the suggestions for using yoga in the classroom to help you destress and glittery shoes are always a great fashion statement! Thank you for sharing such great tips for teachers!

  4. Great post mate, thank you for the valuable and useful information. Keep up the good work! FYI, please check these depression, stress and anxiety related articles:

    Depression Cure

    Relieve Holiday Stress

    How to Ease Anxiety at Night and Home Remedies

    Ways to Relax Yourself from Stress

    Reduce Family Stress

    How Talking Therapy Reduces Stress

    How Stress Affects Your Digestion

    Special Qualities in Mentally Healthy People

    why sleeping Too Much Can Be Dangerous

    You can also contact me at for link exchange, article exchange or for advertisement.

