Monday, March 13, 2017

Teaching Through the February/March Rut


All teachers know and fear the dark, long, dreary days between winter break and spring break. I am currently in a 6 week stretch before spring break with no days off, and no end in sight...

I feel it, and that means my students feel it too.  We know the pattern of each day, have been working on building the same skills all year, and we are used to each other.  No big surprises or twists in the plot line of each day.  This is just the nature of third quarter.  Made worse by a lack of sunshine, and cold weather.

This year, I am determined to get myself and my kiddos out of our learning rut, and excited about reading and writing again!

This means its time to break out all of the most creative activities.

My main move to get my students into the activity for the day is by making something that could be a worksheet, into something that is very definitely not a worksheet.  This means gallery walks, group stations, jigsaws, dry erase boards, writing on the windows, whatever it takes to make the same old task look new and shiny!

My sophomore ELA class has been working to build critical thinking skills through annotations.  But we are deep into the third book of the year, a book that has 30 chapters...  I decided it was time for a break from the normal annotating and summary writing.  Time to break out the emojis!

Today's task was to create a summary of a chapter using only emojis.  We then took turns displaying the summaries and guessing which chapter was being depicted.  This was a great way to review what had happened in our very long novel, but also allowed for a new way to practice an essential skill.

If you want to use this same idea, check out my FREE emoji summary worksheet here

Make sure to leave me a comment if you use it! I would love to see how others adapt the same resource.

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