Friday, November 17, 2017

Crime Scene In Your Classroom

I am finishing up my Lord of the Flies unit and just created a super exciting lesson with my fellow 9th-grade teacher.  I figured I would share the wealth and pass on the lesson here to anyone else teaching this classic novel.

The skills we wanted to focus on were examining the text closely and using textual evidence to support your argument.  But we did not want to do another writing assignment...

So, we decided to files some charges in the murders of Simon and Piggy!

Students were asked to close read the definitions the four murder charges.  Then, they needed to define unknown vocabulary.

Finally, students are asked to make a decision on which charges to make for the different deaths and the different characters who partake in the deaths.  This is where they must support answers with textual evidence.

Of course, we couldn't just do a worksheet... We had to create a crime scene! 

I created body outlines on the floor in masking tape and wrangled the art teacher into creating the Law and Order logo on my board.  I added some palms cut out from cardstock and printed other clues like the conch shell and Pigg's glasses.  I also printed out detective badges and handed them to each student as they walked into the room to help get them amped to learn. 

DISCLAIMER: the masking tape outlines took soooooooo long.  In the middle of making them I questioned why I was spending so much time on a display for a lesson that would be two days long at most.  But, the kids were really excited about the lesson and drawn in right away.  So I decided it was worth it.  I will be trying to look for easier ways to make these outlines in the future....

If you want to try out my lesson I have it for FREE right now on my TPT store.  Just download it here!  No need to follow or leave feedback.  I just want to help other teachers out who might be interested!

If you are looking for other activities, check out  my LOTF bundle here

And if you want to see my crime scene, check out the video below.  I also included photos of my set up.  And yes, that is the Law and Order theme song you hear :) 

I would love to know how this lesson works out for you!

p.s ignore my messy classroom, but that's real life!



  1. Ha! WE NEVER did things like this in school. I like this activity though because it's more about real life and I don't feel like school EVER teaches you about real life.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love this book. What a great way to study it. Way to go!
