Friday, March 23, 2018

Top Reasons Aries Make Amazing Teachers

As a proud Aries, I am beyond excited for Aries Season!  (side note: if you try and google Aries season it comes up Arie's season and all you get are links for the bachelor...)   In my family of five, four of us are Aries!  We pretty much have a birthday cake a week in the month of April.    Living with larger than life Aries, and being one myself I got to thinking about how this fire sign might be impacting my teaching.  So, I present to you:

Top 5 Reasons Why Aries Make The Best Teachers

Am I biased?  Yes. But I am owning it ( as a true Aries would) :)

1.  Aries are the leaders of the zodiac.

As the first sign, and a cardinal sign at that, we are ready to lead any day and in any way.  So, it only makes sense that Aries feel comfortable being in charge every minute of every day in their classroom.  And we do it with ease.  The role of the teacher is one that suits the Aries personality perfectly.

2. Aries Will Defend Our Students No Matter What

You think you can come after my kiddos? Think again.  The protective nature of the ram is awakened in Aries teachers.  Our students are our babies and we will advocate for their best interests in every breath.  And trust me, you do NOT want to get on an Aries' bad side.

3.  Aries Are The Life Of The Party ( and by party I mean classroom)
The fun-loving nature of an Aries is right at home in the classroom.  Aries teachers are always up for trying new lessons and new technology.  We love to be cutting edge, and bring this desire into our lesson plans on the daily.

4. The Enemy of an Aries is Bordeom
Aries HATE to be bored.  So, it makes sense that they would never want to be bored at work.  This makes for impromptu sing-alongs and dance parties, and crazy creative lessons.   I can guarantee an Aries teacher is probably not giving lecture notes every day in class...

and Finally:

5. Aries Teachers Will Always Tell It Like It Is
Aries despise dishonesty and do not enjoy playing games with people.  You will always know where you stand with an Aries and you will always get the truth from them.  This quality can be startling when you are on the receiving end, but it also means that Aries teachers will tell you exactly what you need to know to help you be your best. They are there to be your fiercest advocate and help you to create action plans for conquering the obstacles in your life.  You cannot find a better, more honest ally than in an Aries.

Where are my other Ram teachers at?!  Drop me a comment below :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!
    I’m an Aries too and I’m interested in becoming a teacher! May I ask if you are a primary teacher or high school teacher? Thank you!
