30 Day Good Vibe Classoom Challenge

Hello my motivated teachers!
If you are like me, you have been feeling the downward pull of the coming winter  months.  Moral is at a low for the school year, grades a due, parent teacher conferences are happening, and the sun is no where to be seen.  I hate feeling unmotivated and dreary and I also hate brining that energy into my classroom.  So, I decided to put together a little 30 day challenge to help get through the dark days of November-December and make the countdown to winter break a little more enjoyable.

I bring you: The 30 Day Challenge to Fill Your Classroom with Positive Vibes!

Do all 30 days, do a few, add your own, but do something to help bring a smile to yourself and all of the people you see each and every day.  Leave me some comments to let me know how it goes! I would also love to hear if you came up with your own positive vibe boosters!

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